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Reasons to Arrange an Annual Physical Exam


From early detection of suspicious tumors to chronic disease management, there are countless situations where getting a regular physical exam has saved lives. Now more than ever, preventative care is essential to maintain one’s well-being. By arranging an annual physical exam with your primary care doctor/clinic, you can check for irregularities or risk factors and become more informed on your body’s condition to prevent serious health issues.

As your trusted clinic in Texas, we will discuss the reasons why you should schedule an annual physical exam with your primary care provider:

  • Keep track of your health.
    Regardless of age or health status, getting a regular physical exam offers several benefits. Through regular checkups, you have access to vital information that can help you monitor your emotional, mental, and physical health. This empowers you to make wise decisions for your well-being.
  • Reduce the costs of medical care.
    Medical costs can increase when you or a family member is dealing with a condition that was detected at a severe stage. By detecting diseases early on, you can invest in regular checkups and treatment to manage diseases at their early stages. This can significantly reduce healthcare costs in the long run.
  • Keep up on preventive screenings.
    Even when you’re not sick, going for a regular checkup can protect your long-term health with preventive screenings. Routine preventive screenings and routine immunizations can boost your immunity and protect you against certain diseases.

PVC Family Practice is a reputable family clinic in Garland, Texas. We offer impeccable medical care services that range from primary care to body contouring services. We also offer physical exams to check your health status and ensure overall wellness. Reach out to us or send us your details online to request an appointment.

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